Excessive Buying And Shopping Can Be Serious Enough To Constitute A Disorder An International Team Of Psychologists And Clinicians Has Confirmed

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Excessive buying and shopping can be serious enough to constitute a disorder, an international team of psychologists and clinicians has confirmed. 
The experts have built the first framework to diagnose the 'debilitating condition', which is called 'compulsive buying-shopping disorder' (CBSD). 
People obsessed with shopping and LampArcadia spending may end up hoarding the things they buy without using them and ultimately end up in debt.
It's also thought sufferers use the act of buying as a way to improve their mood, as a form of treat or reward, much like some eating disorders.  
The experts hope a diagnosis will help people struggling to manage their spending behaviour and improve their mental well-being.  
For the first time, international experts in psychology have built a framework to diagnose compulsive buying-shopping disorder (CBSD). People obsessed with spending may end up hoarding the things they buy and end up in debt
<div class="art-ins mol-factbox floatRHS sciencetech" data-version="2" id="mol-14dfe1c0-af3b-11eb-b55d-f5e1bf391404" website buying and shopping can constitute a disorder, experts say